Key art design & photography | ARD, Telepool Global Screen
Commission key art photography for poster & film promotion and postproduction and finishing of key art design
Client Bavaria Fiction, ARD Degeto, NDR, Conradfilm, Telepool/Global Screen
Photo production Soap Images, Bavaria Fiction
Photographer Mike Kraus
Creative Direction Telepool, Panetta & Co., Soap Images
Art Direction Soap Images (Marc Perino & Mike Kraus)
Key Art Finishing Marc Perino
Cast Matthias Brandt, Karoline Schuch, Silke Bodenbender, Nicholas Ofczarek, Hanno Koffler and August Wittgenstein
Marketing Manager (Bavaria Fiction) Annette Hoerster
Executive Producer (Bavaria Fiction) Maren Knieling
NDR Christian Granderath, Sabine Holtgreve, Nicola Sorgenfrey
Chief Marketing Officer (Telepool) Nico Wirz
Styling/Costumes Maria Schicker
Hair & Makeup Jeannette Latzelsberger,
Equipment Hensel, Nikon D850, Apple, TriggerWIzard
Location Studio Hamburg
In September 2019 we were asked by munich production company Bavaria Fiction to produce the key art photography and handle the postproduction of the poster and PR material for the upcoming ARD event TV series »Das Geheimnis des Totenwaldes« (»Dark Woods«). So after a brief concept phase we headed to Studio Hamburg and rented one of their large studios next to the shoot of the actual TV series. Normally we don’t need so much space but since Studio Hamburg does not have small studios we were more than happy to occupy the luxury space that was provided.
After we shot the main cast - which consisted of Matthias Brandt, Karoline Schuch, Silke Bodenbender, Nicholas Ofczarek, Hanno Koffler and August Wittgenstein - we returned to our home bases and started with postproduction which stretched over a period of a few months due to the ongoing pandemic and numerous iterations in the design process. We ended up with one key art poster with the two main characters and a visual for the group of characters that appear in the TV series. The project was overseen by Annette Hoerster and Maren Knieling at Bavaria Fiction and we were kindly helped from our buddy and DoP Michael Schreitel and the fabulous director Sven Bohse.
Social Media
Making of gallery
not produced by Soap Images